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Spinach (Palak), Coriander (Kothimbir) & Methi (Fenugreek) , Radish (Mula) & Cucumber (Kakdi)

8th October 2020 To start using our brand new PVC poly house I started out by setting up 3 pots with Spinach (Palak), Coriander (Kothimbir) & Methi (Fenugreek).  All these seeds I soaked overnight and planted these densely in the plot.  The soaking got me fantastic results.  The Methi sprouted almost in a day or 2. The Spinach & coriander started soon after.  I setup another couple of pots. One with Radish(10) & another with cucumber seeds(4-5). These were not soaked overnight but both sprouted quickly enough.    14th October 2020 Pest Attack The poly house is open on one side and either a rat/squirrel or some bid managed to get in and wreck havoc with my seedings. So not all will survive.  The pots with Radish & Cucumber are doing well.  Will keep posting updates till I harvest (if i do manage to get to that !)  . This has only affected the pots with the leafy vegetables. 
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